We would like to welcome you to the Milton Keynes Bonsai Society.
Come along to a monthly meeting and meet friendly fellow bonsai enthusiasts
Milton Keynes Bonsai Society Workshop Calendar 2025
​Unless otherwise stated the meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month in the The Reform Hall, Giffard Park starting at 7:15 until 9.30 pm
Each monthly meeting/workshop will include:
A display of members trees and tree critique.
Bring in your trees for a “Hands On” workshop, get assistance with problem trees etc.
Seasonal Bonsai knowledge and discussions hosted by our resident expert Steve Brown, guest speaker or group discussion.
No meeting
February 10th
Membership Renewal.
Repotting presentation with Steve Brown. Bring along your own trees to repot.
March 10th
Improve your Bonsai with Grafting & Air Layering techniques with guest speaker David Cheshire from (David Cheshire Nurseries).
April 14th
Feeding & Fertilising presentation with Steve Brown.
Tree selection & preparation for the 6th Annual MK Bonsai Show.
May 12th
Spring Pruning Workshop with Steve Brown.
Demo prune of the project Trident Maple Bonsai. Bring your own trees to prune.
June 9th
Pine Bonsai Workshop with resident guest speaker Simon Roberts.
July 14th
Workshop with guest speaker Corin Thomlinson from (Greenwood Bonsai Nursery) Topic to be agreed on 10th Feb.
August 11th
Mid Summer Pruning Workshop/Revisiting the project Trident Maple – with Steve Brown.
September 8th
To be arranged
October 13th
Autumn/Winter Preparation Discussion & Workshop.
November 10th
To be arranged
December 8th
AGM, Christmas get together – General Workshop
Diary Dates 2025
2nd April 2025 – Invitation to Bedfordshire Bonsai Society
MK Club members are invited to a talk and demonstration by David Penny on the Art of Saikei.
Saikei is a Japanese art form - Creating miniature living landscapes
Doors open at 7.pm, meeting starts at 7.30pm.
£5 per visitor. Please bring your own mugs for tea/coffee.
Venue address:- Toddington Village Hall, Leighton Road, Toddington, LU5 6AN
10th May 2025 – World Bonsai Day – Spread the joy of Bonsai!
World Bonsai Day was initiated by the World Bonsai Friendship Federation to honour
the memory of Saburo Kato (1915-2008), a renowned bonsai master and third generation owner of the "Mansei-en" bonsai nursery in Omiya Japan, one of the most famous bonsai nurseries in the world. Mr Kato an author, teacher and philosopher inspired countless people around the world to learn the art of bonsai and in 1989 founder and became the first chairman of the World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF). It is celebrated every year on the 2nd Saturday in May, with the prime aim of furthering the understanding and awareness of bonsai world wide.
28th June 2025 - Milton Keynes Bonsai Show - New Venue: The Guildhall, City Church, Central Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes Bonsai Society hosts the Sixth Annual Bonsai Show, supported by Northampton, Bedford, Mid-Herts and Middlesex Bonsai Societies and the Ikebana Club.